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Inpatient 护理

在冰球突破接受住院治疗的病人将由冰球突破的住院医师管理他们的治疗. 住院医师将指导患者在医院的护理,并随时回答患者及其家属提出的任何问题. 医院医生与患者的初级保健提供者合作,确保讨论任何病史或重大发现.

You’re in good hands with our 供应商

纽约 医院 offers two inpatient wings, Biewend and Strater, 对于需要过夜或更长时间作为他们医院经历的一部分的成年人. 这些地区的病人得到真正以病人为中心的护理,由一个伟大的护士团队和其他临床专家.

Our team makes the difference

所有员工都是训练有素的专业人士,秉承冰球突破的愿景. “冰球突破致力于让患者满意的独特精神使冰球突破与众不同. It is the promise on which our current patients rely, 它吸引着新的病人,冰球突破每个人都靠它生活.”

Treatments and 服务

At 纽约 医院, 冰球突破不仅用最先进的设备治疗病人, by experienced medical staff and inpatient therapists在美国,他们也得到了无与伦比的照顾和舒适的环境. Enjoy an innovative 客房服务 program for meals – which can include lobster rolls!

志愿者们会花时间聊天、打牌、看电影、看书或看最喜欢的报纸. We even offer Pet Therapy visits with our certified pets, vetted for obedience, up to date vaccinations and health records. 如果你感兴趣,请联系凯特·福特,志愿者服务, (207) 351-2224.

What to bring to the hospital

To help assure a comfortable stay at 纽约 医院, 你可能希望携带的物品包括:

  • Personal toiletries, such as shampoo, 牙膏, and toothbrush (Don’t want to bring them, 不用担心, we do supply these if needed).
  • 拖鞋或袜子(冰球突破也很乐意提供这些!)
  • 你日常服用的所有药物的名称、剂量和时间表. (除非你的医生给你开了处方,否则不要在住院期间服用任何自己的药物.)
  • 眼镜、假牙、助听器或其他你可能需要的辅助设备. Please ask the nurse for a container to protect these items. 如果可能的话,请在这些物品和其他个人物品上标明您的姓名. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Any instructions your physician may have provided.
  • Advance Directive. 你有权就你的医疗保健作出知情决定, including the right to refuse treatment offered to you. You may also give directions, 提前, 当你无法向他人表达你的愿望时,你对医疗保健的愿望. This is called an “advance directive.” If you have an advance directive, 例如生前遗嘱或医疗保健的持久授权书, please bring it with you. 如果您没有预先指示,并希望创建一个,请到这里.

Inpatient amenities


冰球突破已经完成了对半私人房间到所有私人单人房间的改造. With these updates, you’ll benefit from the healing power of a quiet room, better workflow for the team providing your care, and an easier visiting experience for your visitors.

健康、营养和均衡的饮食是你治疗和恢复的重要组成部分. 冰球突破的餐饮和营养团队提供美味和营养的饭菜,这些饭菜是由冰球突破的厨房工作人员在室内新鲜准备的. 冰球突破创新的客房服务程序允许您点餐-无论是早餐, lunch or dinner – whenever you want it. A menu will be given to you upon your arrival. If you are on a special diet prescribed by your doctor, you will receive a menu tailored to your specific needs. To order your meal, 你所要做的就是拨打分机3663 (FOOD),就会有人来接你的订单. If you have difficulty making menu selections, a member of the dietary staff will be happy to help you.

Each patient is provided a telephone by the bedside. Family and friends may call you at any time by dialing (207) 363-4321 或免费 1 (877) 363-4321. T在这里 is no charge for long-distance calls at 纽约 医院. 请注意, cell phones may be used in the hospital, 虽然冰球突破要求病人和访客在使用时尊重休息的病人. Each patient is provided a telephone by their bedside. Family and friends may call you at any time by dialing (207) 363-4321 或免费 1 (877) 363-4321. To place a call, dial “9” to get an outside line. Once you hear the dial tone, you may dial the phone number. 记住无论在缅因州境内还是境外打电话都要使用区号. T在这里 is no charge for long-distance calls at 纽约 医院. 请注意, cell phones may be used in the hospital, 虽然冰球突破要求病人和访客在使用时尊重休息的病人. 医院的某些区域可能限制使用手机.

Television sets are provided for each patient. 为了尊重病人在半私人病房的护理, 必须使用耳机(免费提供)来降低噪音, and TV’s must be turned off by 11:30 p.m.

To make your stay as comfortable as possible, 冰球突破提供免费的客房服务,包括观看DVD电影, 玩游戏, listen to music, 读一本书, chat with a volunteer, 或者在冰球突破的礼品店/药房购物,那里有各种各样的物品可供购买, including gifts, 卡片, 工艺品, 小礼品, toiletries and medications. 冰球突破还为那些在传递信息或理解工作人员方面有困难的人提供口译等服务, and reiki for stress reduction and relaxation.

Medical staff

冰球突破冰球突破很自豪地将您的住院护理委托给冰球突破的住院医师团队. 医院ists are 供应商 (physicians, 致力于住院病人护理的执业护士和医师助理. They see patients who have been admitted to the hospital. They do not see patients outside the hospital.

护理 management 支持

冰球突破的护理管理团队在评估中发挥领导作用, 规划, 在住院病人出院前对他们的选择进行协调和评估, based on their health needs.


Transitioning to home

你的医生和护士会为你提供出院后护理的指导. 如果您对您的饮食、活动或其他事项有疑问,请随时提出. 如果你回到家发现自己忘了问问题,不要担心. We’re only a phone call away. 你的出院说明上会有一个电话号码,如果你有任何需要,可以打给你.

If your provider gives you a prescription, you can take it to a local pharmacy, or it can be filled onsite at the 纽约 医院 Apothecary. 冰球突破的药房团队为患者提供独特的个性化服务,独特的名称为“把药送到床上."

运输团队还在冰球突破的服务区域内提供往返于医院许多设施和提供者实践地点的接送服务. 了解更多 在这里.


纽约 医院 首页 护理 is a full-service Medicare-certified home care agency, which supplies nurses, 护士助手, medical social workers and physical, 医院服务区家庭保健的职业和语言治疗师.

Bridges Program

桥梁计划是一个志愿者计划,为老年人提供帮助,以填补出院后服务的空白. 该项目提供取药等服务, fixing light meals, grocery shopping, picking up the family pet and more. 联系 (207) 351-2224 有关详细信息,.


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纽约 医院 Inpatient 护理 - Main Campus

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